Scientific Programming School is an online course marketplace that helps instructors and students get in touch together and share knowledge. Teachers will be able to create unlimited video courses, text courses, projects, quizzes, files, etc and students will be able to use the educational material and increase their skill level.
For learners, our platform not only gives you the opportunity to watch lessons with video, but also allows you to execute interactive illustrations, codes and OS commands inside your browser!
From the instructors point, while our competitors keep reducing how much instructors are paid, hiding during hard times, endlessly removing content without instructor warning, and mining as much data as possible from you, we’re doing the opposite. We are open to communication with the instructors, provide instructor supports, offer Privacy (because not every platform needs to know every bit about you), and finally higher payouts: important to take note of because over the last 10 years other platforms have been reducing how much instructors are paid, purging thousands of courses from the web without warning and then ignoring incoming support emails and reducing their level of support for their instructors — despite instructors being the core content creators and generators of business for them. We’d love to work with you and help distribute your education across the globe in a fair and equal way. If you’d be interested in growing your revenue streams, consider hosting your courses here. The more we grow, the more every instructor can earn.